Hello, how are you? Well, if you've found this blog I can assure you, you're doing just fine.
You may or may not know me already from over at www.thetuddapuddadiaries.blogspot.com. If that's where you came from then, "HEY!!!!!!!!"
If not then "HEY!!!!!!!!" Hahaha, anyway....
It seems that no matter how hard I try I'm destined to be awkward. I'm known as Tudda Pudda but that's not my real name.
I'm 18 years old and don't go to school, don't have a boyfriend, any pets, or a cell phone. My ipod currently has less than 30 songs on it because I'm waiting to get the new one. But enough of what I don't have....
I have a weird life....I am a self-taught artist, writer, imaginist(spell check is telling me this isn't a word lol), jokester, traveller, K drama addict, dancer, gamer and a whole bunch of other things.
I am writing way-too-many books at one time and I love it! And I also have a new obsession with drawing ball-jointed dolls.
I started this blog because my other one just seemed...too cluttered and I felt as though it was too commercial. If that even makes sense. But no, I don't have ads over there. I'm not going to delete it though. And I know starting a whole 'nother blog is a challenge in itself when already having one, but I felt like THIS would be the place where I was really open. Not just to you people out there reading, but to myself.
I need somewhere I can put all my positive thoughts to be able to come back to, when feeling down.
I kept telling myself before that I was going to be honest and that I would use blogging to tap into that "other side" of me. But I lied. I didn't even really try. I was too scared I guess. Too scared that people would roll their eyes and ignore me, like so many have done to me before. I love putting millions of "...................................................................................................................................." Why? I don't know I just do and it's something I've liked since I was little. So now, I'm going to start doing that again.
(I say all this but I'm still not quite set on what this blog will actually contain...) But that doesn't matter, I won't let it be about anything else but myself.
Plus, there's something super special I want to post on here, in the far away future...(wink)
If you thinks it's anything about getting married you're crazy lol But we'll see....you never know....
3 Facts About Myself.....
(I'll be updating the facts as time goes on, so keep checking!)
1) I hug and cry all over my books after reading them(if I really enjoyed them). It's something I've been doing since I was 10. Because I never had any friends or anyone to talk to, I felt that my books were the only ones who understood me. Pretty sad I know, hahaha....
2) I don't wear makeup. 2014 was the first time I'd ever worn mascara. I do occasionally wear lipgloss but that's it. But they're all expired at the moment so yeah.....
3) I love to draw. One of my favorite hobbies. I have so many characters and different themes that I love to draw. Mostly freestyle so I don't draw a lot of Anime anymore. And like I said, dolls are my new favorite thing and I think I'll continue. Maybe I'll show them to you one day too...
(I don't own this image. Got it off google)
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